
Ultrasound of the heart in Lviv

Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart) – a method of ultrasound diagnostics that allows you to assess the structure and function of the heart. Aimed at the study of morphological and functional changes of the heart and its valvular apparatus. It is based on the capture of ultrasound waves reflected from the structures of the heart. It is one of the main research methods used in modern cardiology. Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart) in Lviv is used during the examination of patients with suspected heart disease (congenital defects, acquired heart defects (hypertensive disease, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, infective endocarditis, tumors, etc.).

Often, patients do not pay attention to the initial symptoms of the disease: rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath during exercise, periodic increase in pressure, various types of pain in the chest, pain in the joints, causeless increase in body temperature up to 37 - 37.2 °C.< /p>

This method of detecting the initial stages of heart diseases in adults and children makes it possible to prevent the development of severe damage with the formation of heart defects, to identify areas of ischemia (impaired blood supply to the heart muscle) of the myocardium, previous myocardial infarctions that are not always visible on an electrocardiogram.< /p>

Carrying out echocardiography, electrocardiographic and laboratory examination at this stage allows you to avoid the development of serious diseases that reduce work capacity and significantly worsen the quality of life.

Echocardiographic observation of hypertensive patients allows to choose the right treatment and control its effectiveness, as well as to quickly and reliably diagnose the pathology of the cardiovascular system.




Cost, UAH
ECHO of the heart 650
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Highly qualified medical staff.
Participation in international and national events provides an opportunity to apply the best international experience
Convenient work schedule.
We are open 7 days a week, on weekdays from 8:00 to 22:00, on Saturdays from 8:00 to 21:00, and on Sundays from 10:00 to 17:00. Make an appointment and come at a time convenient for you!
High-precision diagnostic equipment
The world's leading manufacturers with maximum safety and convenience for the patient.


Ultrasound scanners of the expert class, equipped with the NOVO Medical Center allow to fully realize the modern possibilities of ultrasound examination of the heart using the basic technologies and methods of echocardiography. Together with  the expertise and experience of our doctors will allow  to you with a high level of informativeness, painlessly, safely  and quickly get the necessary medical opinion on the heart echo procedure in Lviv.

We recommend that you apply for an examination when you experience shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness, cases of loss of consciousness, a feeling of rapid heartbeat or "interruptions" in the work of the heart, pain in the region of the heart, murmurs in the heart. If you have been diagnosed with arterial hypertension (hypertensive disease), echocardiography is a mandatory type of examination in Lviv for you.


The method does not require any special preparation. Before doing an ultrasound of the heart (echo of the heart), the patient undresses to the waist, the front part of the chest is lubricated with a special gel, the doctor installs the ultrasound sensor in different positions, which allows you to see different parts of the heart and take the necessary measurements. When examining blood vessels, the sensor is installed according to their location. The patient does not experience any discomfort during ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

cardiologist, functional diagnostics doctor
ultrasound doctor
Любомир Процак
Проходили з маленькою дитиною МРТ. Щиро вдячні медперсоналу за високі навички, дитина, навіть незрозуміла, що сталося, коли їй ставили катетера, анестезіологу, яка все розказала, та контролювала процес. Після обстеження дитина почала на рецепшині капризувати-адміністратор миттю підбіг та запропонував відвідати дитячу кімнату. Особлива шана головному лікарю центру за дотримання обіцяного та надання знижки. Нехай повернеться Вам усе сторицею
Mark Hretskyi
Ділюся своїм позитивним досвідом відвідування цього медичного центру. Робив КТ та МРТ і залишився надзвичайно задоволеним обслуговуванням і професіоналізмом персоналу, а особливо роботою рентгенлаборантки на КТ. Сама процедура пройшла швидко і без зайвого стресу, обладнання сучасне, а атмосфера в клініці спокійна та комфортна. Рекомендую цей медичний центр усім, хто шукає якісний сервіс і дбає про своє здоров’я.
Лариса Легеза
Дякую Лесі Дмитрівні  Супрун за високий рівень професіоналізму! Вона лікар з великої літери! У моїй непростій ситуації я  вражена індивідуальним підходом та уважністю.Дякую Вам за кваліфіковане призначення лікування та надання медичних процедур. Леся Дмитрівна не лише чудовий лікар, а  й прекрасна людина. У кабінеті атмосфера затишна і комфортна. Щиро рекомендую всім звертатися  до цього професіонала! Бережіть своє здоров'я.
Питання, які часто задають пацієнти
Application for an appointment *Filling out the form does not guarantee a final appointment for the desired time. Wait for a call to confirm the appointment