MRI pelvis in Lviv in NOVO

MRI of the pelvis in Lviv at the NOVO Medical Center
What is a pelvic MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic bones (MRI of the pelvis) in Lviv makes it possible to qualitatively diagnose any damage in this area of ​​the human body. A comprehensive examination with great accuracy is achieved thanks to layer-by-layer tomography scanning in different projections. NOVO Medical Center uses a magnetic resonance imaging machine Optima MR450w 1.5T ­ - one of the most effective developments of the General Electric Healthcare company.

MRI of the small pelvis will allow to detect even minor deviations or damage in the condition of the bones of the pelvis, soft tissue structures, blood vessels and nerve fibers.

MRI does not involve the use of X-rays, and therefore is absolutely safe. It can be prescribed even to pregnant women (after the 1st trimester) and children.

On magnetic resonance imaging women are examined:

  • uterus
  • ovaries
  • fallopian tubes
  • vagina
  • area behind the uterus.
  • lumbar-sacral spine.
  • bladder
  • rectum.

Men are studying:

  • channels,
  • prostate,
  • appendages,
  • lumbar-sacral spine,
  • bladder,
  • rectum. 

Prices for pelvic MRI in Lviv at the NOVO Medical Center

The cost of the pelvic MRI service in Lviv from the NOVO medical center.

Cost, UAH
MRI of pelvic bones 3250
MRI of the hip joints 3250
MRI of pelvic organs in women (uterus, ovaries, bladder, rectum) 3390
MRI of pelvic organs in men (prostate gland, bladder, rectum) 3390


When registering for an MRI, patients must indicate their weight, because the permissible value for diagnosis is 100 kg (for patients with a height of 180-190 cm - up to 110 kg)

Preparation for pelvic MRI at the NOVO Medical Center in Lviv

At the NOVO Medical Center, MRI of the pelvis is performed by prior appointment on a specified day and time.

During registration, you must inform about existing allergies to certain medicines and the presence of chronic diseases. You should also warn the medical staff if you have contraindications (read above).

We recommend that you bring comfortable loose clothing without metal elements (buttons, buckles, zippers) to change before the examination.

1. 2-3 days before the examination, exclude from the diet foods that cause increased gas formation (brown bread, carbonated drinks, alcohol, fresh fruits, milk, legumes, etc.).
2. For 4 hours before the examination, do not eat or come on an empty stomach.
3. On the day of the diagnosis, it is necessary to consume easy-to-digest food.
4. Immediately before the MRI, it is better not to drink a lot of liquid, because the examination takes a long time.
5. It is imperative to take with you instructions and results of previous examinations (if any).

Application for an appointment *Filling out the form does not guarantee a final appointment for the desired time. Wait for a call to confirm the appointment
Highly qualified medical staff.
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We are open 7 days a week, on weekdays from 8:00 to 22:00, on Saturdays from 8:00 to 21:00, and on Sundays from 10:00 to 17:00. Make an appointment and come at a time convenient for you!
High-precision diagnostic equipment
The world's leading manufacturers with maximum safety and convenience for the patient.

Indications for pelvic MRI

The doctor prescribes magnetic resonance imaging in case of:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • hyperplasia of the prostate;
  • myoma, endometriosis, bleeding, impossibility to get pregnant;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen, in the pelvic area.
  • presence of seals, tumors and metastases to determine the zone of their distribution in this part of the body in cancer patients;
  • pinching of nerve endings;
  • pathological bone changes caused by sepsis, tuberculosis, syphilis or other infectious diseases, arthritis, osteomyelitis, Calve-Perthes disease;
  • injuries of peri-osseous soft tissues (tears, sprains, etc.);
  • dislocation of the hip joint;
  • anomalies of bone development;
  • joint lesions for rheumatic diseases (lupus erythematosus, spondylitis, Bekhterev's disease and others). 

An MRI of the pelvis is also prescribed before surgery and after surgery - in order to control its results.

Contraindications for pelvic MRI in Lviv at the NOVO Medical Center

  • extraneous metal elements in the body (debris, bullets, etc.);
  • osteometallosynthesis;
  • artificial heart rate driver – pacemaker;
  • neurostimulator;
  • clips of brain vessels;
  • insulin pumps;
  • first trimester pregnancy.

How is an MRI of the pelvic bones performed in Lviv

On the day of the procedure, you should stop eating at least 3 hours before the procedure. You need to come earlier than the appointment time and go through registration. Next, the patient will be taken to the office for an MRI procedure of the pelvic bones in Lviv. It is necessary to leave all metal objects outside it: glasses, watches, jewelry, pins, phones, keys, hearing aids, bank cards, etc.

For patients who are afraid of closed spaces or feel restless and will not be able to keep still during the examination, a sedative drug may be administered.

The patient is placed on a special moving magnetic resonance imaging table, the pelvic region is fixed with special straps. Then, together with the patient, the table is moved inside the apparatus (the so-called portal).

Furthermore, the laboratory operator from his office begins the examination, during which the patient must maintain complete immobility. This will allow you to get an accurate, undistorted image and, as a result, ensure a correct diagnostic assessment. There is voice communication between the patient and the laboratory technician. In case of need or discomfort, the patient can always report it.

The procedure usually lasts 30-60 minutes.

After the examination, there is no need for any recovery time (unless the patient took sedatives), you can also move, eat, and take medicine as usual.

Depending on the complexity of the study, specialists of the NOVO Medical Center will provide images and a radiologist's opinion within 24 hours.

head of the Department of Radiology
leading radiologist
X-ray technician
X-ray technician
X-ray technician
Любомир Процак
Проходили з маленькою дитиною МРТ. Щиро вдячні медперсоналу за високі навички, дитина, навіть незрозуміла, що сталося, коли їй ставили катетера, анестезіологу, яка все розказала, та контролювала процес. Після обстеження дитина почала на рецепшині капризувати-адміністратор миттю підбіг та запропонував відвідати дитячу кімнату. Особлива шана головному лікарю центру за дотримання обіцяного та надання знижки. Нехай повернеться Вам усе сторицею
Mark Hretskyi
Ділюся своїм позитивним досвідом відвідування цього медичного центру. Робив КТ та МРТ і залишився надзвичайно задоволеним обслуговуванням і професіоналізмом персоналу, а особливо роботою рентгенлаборантки на КТ. Сама процедура пройшла швидко і без зайвого стресу, обладнання сучасне, а атмосфера в клініці спокійна та комфортна. Рекомендую цей медичний центр усім, хто шукає якісний сервіс і дбає про своє здоров’я.
Лариса Легеза
Дякую Лесі Дмитрівні  Супрун за високий рівень професіоналізму! Вона лікар з великої літери! У моїй непростій ситуації я  вражена індивідуальним підходом та уважністю.Дякую Вам за кваліфіковане призначення лікування та надання медичних процедур. Леся Дмитрівна не лише чудовий лікар, а  й прекрасна людина. У кабінеті атмосфера затишна і комфортна. Щиро рекомендую всім звертатися  до цього професіонала! Бережіть своє здоров'я.
Питання, які часто задають пацієнти
Application for an appointment *Filling out the form does not guarantee a final appointment for the desired time. Wait for a call to confirm the appointment