Grant from the British Embassy in Ukraine



Grant program "Providing high-tech innovative medical services to socially vulnerable categories of society"

The institution of the charitable foundation "Center of Medical Innovations" (NOVO Medical Center) within the program "Providing high-tech innovative medical services to socially vulnerable categories of community" ("NOVO_helpforpeople") provides free diagnostic services:

  • To combatants and war veterans.
  • Military personnel undergoing treatment in hospitals.
  • Internally displaced persons under the age of 18 and persons with disabilities of the 1st group of all age categories.
  • To family members of persons missing under special circumstances, etc.

List of free services of the Program:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  • Computed tomography (CT).
  • Ultrasound diagnostics (UD).
  • Endoscopy.










To the participants of hostilities and war veterans:
Report for the entire period of validity of the grant agreement (July 2023 - February 2024)

Military servicemen undergoing treatment in Lviv military hospitals:
Report for the entire period of validity of the grant agreement (July 2023 - February 2024)

Internally displaced persons under the age of 18 and persons with disabilities of the 1st group of all age categories:
Report for the entire period of validity of the grant agreement (July 2023 - February 2024)

Family members of persons missing under special circumstances:
Report for the entire period of validity of the grant agreement (July 2023 - February 2024)


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Медична допомога для військових та їх родин. Як її покращити.

Проведено фокус-групу щодо медичного обслуговування військових
Особливості організації надання медичної допомоги особам, постраждалим від війни з росією (відео)

Допомогти, діагностувати, вилікувати. Як і для кого у Львові діє програма з безоплатними медпослугами

Медичний центр NOVO безкоштовно провів майже 1000 обстежень тим, хто постраждав від війни з рф

Application for an appointment *Filling out the form does not guarantee a final appointment for the desired time. Wait for a call to confirm the appointment