Western partners have provided another assistance


We thank STRYKER Corporation, the ORSI Foundation in the person of Dr. Ron Izraelsky, Dr. Severyn Palidovych and the Livshi family for their humanitarian assistance in much-needed orthopedic surgical equipment such as external fixators/

These locking devices are necessary equipment during the war. This allows doctors to use them to stabilize and save injuries to the extremities of servicemen and civilians in hotbeds of Ukraine, with the subsequent transportation of patients to hospitals in Lviv and other cities for long-term treatment.
NOVO Medical Center, as a medical and logistics operator of the international charity program #CharityHelpUA within the medical care program #NOVOhelp, donated 40 external fixation devices for fractures of bones, plates and orthopedic instruments free of charge.

Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region.
Lviv Regional Hospital for War Veterans and Repressed named after Yuriy Lypa.
KNP "Lviv Territorial Medical Association" Multidisciplinary Clinical Hospital for Intensive Care and Ambulance ".

"We feel the moral and financial support of America, Ukrainians living in the United States, and we once again express our gratitude for the help in this difficult struggle of the Ukrainian people against the aggressor."

Only together can we overcome this war!

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