Viktor Yushchenko familiarized himself with the work of NOVO


 On Thursday, May 19, Viktor Yushchenko, while visiting Lviv, visited the NOVO Medical Center. He got acquainted with the work of the institution, which functions on the basis of public-private partnership. He met with the staff and management of the Center, and highly appreciated the diagnostic equipment, which is one of the most efficient and modern in Western Ukraine.

Viktor Yuschennko met with the President of the Association of Philanthropists of Ukraine, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the NOVO Center, Oleksandr Maksymchuk, and with the chief physician of the Lviv City Children's Clinical Hospital. Dmytro Kvit, the NOVO Medical Center is located on the territory of this hospital and cooperates in several areas of the charity program, one of which is medical examinations of urgently ill children who are admitted to the children's hospital for treatment.

 At the meeting, prospects for the creation and development of joint projects of the NOVO Medical Center and the Children's Hospital were discussed.

We remind you that NOVO was founded by the International Charitable Foundation "Ukraine 3000", whose Supervisory Board is chaired by Kateryna Yushchenko.

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