On July 2, Serhiy Isaenko, President of the ‘MiSt’ Savenko Charitable Foundation, visited NOVO Medical Center. Preliminary negotiations ended with the expected signing of a cooperation agreement, according to which both parties have declared joint activities and will take the necessary measures to promote programs aimed at effective and high-quality medical care for children, adolescents (under 18) with acute and chronic diseases who are placed in the sponsored institutions of the charitable foundation in Khmelnytsky region.
ЗBy agreement of the parties, the Mykhailo Savenko MiSt Charitable Foundation will determine the need for high-quality medical diagnostics among its sponsors. Serhiy Isayenko also reaffirmed his commitment to organize the entire logistical process of their visit to the medical facility.
On behalf of NOVO, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Oleksandr Maksymchuk and Director Natalia Klymovych attended the signing ceremony. After the official part of the meeting, the parties exchanged symbolic gifts. Serhiy Isaenko presented the book “Mykhailo Savenko. Time and Destiny "about the life and work of a famous Ukrainian urban planner, whose name the charitable foundation bears.
The logistics was approved after being acquainted with the work of the reception. Deputy Director Taras Lysak will be responsible for cooperation from NOVO side
During the visit to NOVO, Medical Director Angela Dyba acquainted the guest with the technical equipment of the Center, in particular, with the capabilities of magnetic resonance imaging GE Healthcare Optima MR450w 1.5T and 4D computed tomography Toshiba AquilionTM PRIME.
An important point of the visit was to get acquainted with the doctors who will take part in this mutual charity project.
According to Serhiy Isayenko, the vast majority of young patients from the Khmelnytsky region will need help in adjusting the musculoskeletal system. A meeting with a pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist of the highest category Petro Hnidec was dedicated to the discussion of the necessary counseling in this regard.
President of the Association of Philanthropists of Ukraine, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Center Oleksandr Maksymchuk told about the implementation of the Charitable Program "Innovative Diagnostics at NOVO Medical Center", acquainted with the prospects of medical institution development, initiatives to create Lviv Medical Cluster, a department with a hospital, which will open this summer.
When shaking hands with Serhiy Isayenko, Oleksandr Maksymchuk noted: "The geography of our activity in the development of charitable initiatives is expanding every year, both extensively and intensively. Today is another brick of cooperation with our friends from Khmelnytsky region.
n conclusion, Serhiy Isayenko summed up: “There is a long distance between Khmelnytsky and Lviv. Nevertheless, the professionalism of NOVO specialists and high-precision equipment became the criteria that leveled several hundred kilometers. After all, we were looking for such close-minded partners, partners and professionals. We speak with you: "Love to live!"
Dmytro Savenko (Knight of the Order of Merit, 2nd and 3rd degrees) founded the MiSt Savenko Charitable Foundation in 2012 in memory of his father, who was a pupil of an orphanage during the difficult post-war years. The foundation takes care of 16 children and social institutions in the Khmelnytsky region. Serhiy Isayenko is the permanent President of the Foundation. Official webpage - https://bf-mist.org.ua/