New experience from the ultrasound school


During September 28-29, the doctors of the NOVO Medical Center Victoria Svidryk, Oksana Makovetska and Iryna Struzhynska improved their knowledge in a two-day theoretical and practical training course "Mammary Gland in Time and Space. The correlation of diagnostic methods is to see everything! ”, which was held at the School of Ultrasound Diagnostics in Lviv.

Course author and lecturer - Romanova Nina Viktorivna - Doctor of ultrasound diagnostics (specialization in the field of "Diagnosis of breast pathology" since 2000), author and leader of the course "Ultrasound diagnostics of pathology of MH"; The Burwin Institute of Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound (Canada, 2017-1018 ), author of a number of publications in the Canadian Journal of Medical Sonography (2010-2018), author of the training course "Correlation of Diagnostic Sonographic and Mammographic Images in Breast Pathology" (Sonography Canada Association).
Within the framework of training there was a two-hour master class “Types of diagnostic procedures for tumors of the breast. Technique of their conducting” (lecture and practical lessons on trepan biopsy of MH on phantoms) under the direction of Dmytro Uspensky.

В рамках навчання пройшов двогодинний майстер клас «Види діагностичних процедур при новоутворах молочної залози. Техніка їх проведення»(лекція та практичні заняття з трепан біопсії МЗ на фантомах) під керівництвом Дмитра Успенського.

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