NOVO Medical Center has become an official medical partner of FC Rukh (Lviv) and will now provide diagnosis of "yellow and black", prevent possible diseases and make accurate diagnoses in case of health problems. As part of the agreement, the logo of NOVO's medical center will now be displayed on the T-shirts of the main team players.
Natalia Klymovych, head of the Medical Center NOVO: “We are glad to announce our cooperation, since we have a common mission and values with Rukh. The motto of our medical center: "Love to live!", and sport, as we know, is life. Football forms a culture of a healthy lifestyle, contributes to human improvement, and the values of the NOVO medical center - to promote this in every way. The second factor is love for our city. I am sincerely glad that there is such a young and ambitious team in Lviv as Rukh. Now this club is successfully developing. We joined this cooperation, because we want our city to be worthily represented on the football map of Ukraine. We are confident that our medical institution will be a reliable outpost for Rukh footballers in their quest for success."
According to the club's official website, the choice of medical partner was due to the fact that NOVO Medical Center provides the highest quality diagnostic services in various areas to all age groups of patients and has innovative technologies (computer and magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, etc. ) and a team of competent specialists.

Як зазначено на офіційному сайті клубу вібір медичного партнера відбувся завдяки тому, що Медичний центр NOVO забезпечує найвищу якість діагностичних послуг у різноманітних напрямках усім віковим категоріям пацієнтів і має у своєму розпорядженні інноваційні технології (комп’ютерні та магнітно-резонансні томографи, апарати ультразвукової діагностики тощо) та команду компетентних фахівців.