Консультація лікаря-ортопеда-травматолога

orthopedic doctor at the NOVO Medical Center in Lviv

Movement is an integral part of human life. This is one of the most important functions of the body, which is carried out thanks to the work of the musculoskeletal system. In order to avoid irreversible consequences during a violation of its functioning, a high-quality and timely consultation of an orthopedist in Lviv is necessary.

The list of what an orthopedist treats includes:

  • joints and bones;
  • ligaments and tendons;
  • muscles;
  • nerve endings.


Name Cost, UAH
Consultation of an orthopedic traumatologist 590
Repeated consultation with an orthopedic traumatologist 530
Application for an appointment *Filling out the form does not guarantee a final appointment for the desired time. Wait for a call to confirm the appointment
Highly qualified medical staff.
Participation in international and national events provides an opportunity to apply the best international experience
Convenient work schedule.
We are open 7 days a week, on weekdays from 8:00 to 22:00, on Saturdays from 8:00 to 21:00, and on Sundays from 10:00 to 17:00. Make an appointment and come at a time convenient for you!
High-precision diagnostic equipment
The world's leading manufacturers with maximum safety and convenience for the patient.


Symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as a rule, are manifested in pain, impaired functions and sensitivity.

The main symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, if you feel them, you need to make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor in Lviv, are:

  • posture violation;
  • different length of limbs (especially the lower ones);
  • injuries with suspected bone fracture or crack;
  • restriction of mobility of limbs, spine, dysfunction;
  • pain in the joints, swelling, redness or increased temperature in the joint area;
  • pain in the spine (especially in the lower back and neck);
  • pain in the muscles of the limbs, a feeling of hypertonicity of the muscles;
  • bone pain, "ache" in the joints when the weather changes;
  • change in soft tissues (swelling, bruising, change in skin color);
  • crunching in the spine or joint when moving;
  • deformation of a joint or limb;
  • numbness (for example, in hands, feet).

Even if these symptoms are irregular in nature, it is necessary to find out their cause, because in most cases they already indicate the beginning of degenerative processes in the joints and bones, the development of which can still be restrained in the early stages. Athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle and are overweight should regularly visit a doctor for timely detection of microtraumas or still asymptomatic diseases.

It is also important that the absence of visible external damage upon receiving an injury (the axis of the limb is not disturbed, there is no inflammation, redness of the skin, pain) does not yet indicate the absence of internal damage, since a person may feel a traumatic shock, and meanwhile from the inside they can be damaged organs or tissues (for example, with a fracture of the ribs).

Special attention should be paid to orthopedic consultations in childhood and adolescence. It is the timely diagnosis and professional treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system in babies that in most cases guarantee the normal physical (and sometimes mental) development of the child, and the absence of physical and, arising from them, psychological problems. It is also very important to monitor the musculoskeletal system during adolescence, when the child's body undergoes significant changes (not always easily tolerated) under the influence of sex hormones.

Photograph of a bone at an orthopedist's consultation in Lviv< /div>


The main diseases that require the intervention of an orthopedist-traumatologist and orthopedist in Lviv:

  • osteochondrosis is a severe chronic disease of various segments of the spine;
  • congenital diseases (curvature and hip dysplasia);
  • clubfoot, curvature of the feet, flat feet;
  • rheumatoid arthritis is a lifelong chronic systemic disease that affects the bone system and causes severe deformation of the joints up to disability;
  • bone fractures and joint dislocations;
  • arthrosis and bursitis - inflammatory diseases of the joints and periarticular bags;
  • hernias (change of the spinal disc, protrusion of its parts);
  • arthrosis (deformation of articular cartilage).


Reception and consultation of an orthopedic doctor in Lviv at the NOVO Medical Center is by appointment.

After collecting the anamnesis, talking with the patient, identifying existing complaints, getting acquainted with previous diseases and injuries, the doctor proceeds to the following stages, namely:

  • general clinical examination of the body and the area that causes discomfort;• examination of the function of limbs or spine;
  • conducting specific tests aimed at determining the characteristic features and degree of the disease.

At the end of the initial reception, examination and consultation, the orthopedist can prescribe the patient a diagnostic examination aimed at a detailed study of the area complained of by the patient and determination of the cause of the disease. Diagnosis of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is an integral stage of the doctor's treatment process, which allows the orthopedist to determine the disease and its causes, the degree of damage, as well as to draw up a detailed treatment plan based on the results of the examination, not only the patient's feedback about the state of the body.

For accurate diagnosis and determination of the causes of the condition, the following are usually prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of joints;
  • CT;
  • MRI for severe pathologies and to exclude oncology
Ми на зв’язку +38 068 468 2 303
Любомир Процак
Проходили з маленькою дитиною МРТ. Щиро вдячні медперсоналу за високі навички, дитина, навіть незрозуміла, що сталося, коли їй ставили катетера, анестезіологу, яка все розказала, та контролювала процес. Після обстеження дитина почала на рецепшині капризувати-адміністратор миттю підбіг та запропонував відвідати дитячу кімнату. Особлива шана головному лікарю центру за дотримання обіцяного та надання знижки. Нехай повернеться Вам усе сторицею
Mark Hretskyi
Ділюся своїм позитивним досвідом відвідування цього медичного центру. Робив КТ та МРТ і залишився надзвичайно задоволеним обслуговуванням і професіоналізмом персоналу, а особливо роботою рентгенлаборантки на КТ. Сама процедура пройшла швидко і без зайвого стресу, обладнання сучасне, а атмосфера в клініці спокійна та комфортна. Рекомендую цей медичний центр усім, хто шукає якісний сервіс і дбає про своє здоров’я.
Лариса Легеза
Дякую Лесі Дмитрівні  Супрун за високий рівень професіоналізму! Вона лікар з великої літери! У моїй непростій ситуації я  вражена індивідуальним підходом та уважністю.Дякую Вам за кваліфіковане призначення лікування та надання медичних процедур. Леся Дмитрівна не лише чудовий лікар, а  й прекрасна людина. У кабінеті атмосфера затишна і комфортна. Щиро рекомендую всім звертатися  до цього професіонала! Бережіть своє здоров'я.
Питання, які часто задають пацієнти
Application for an appointment *Filling out the form does not guarantee a final appointment for the desired time. Wait for a call to confirm the appointment