Consultation of a pediatric gynecologist in Lviv at NOVO



Why Visit a Pediatric Gynecologist

The first visit to a pediatric gynecologist is an exciting event for both the young patient and the doctor.

The primary pathology diagnosed by a gynecologist during the period of hormonal calm includes developmental anomalies and infections of the external genitalia.

During puberty, visits to the gynecologist mainly concern issues with menstrual function, and consultations are often needed on matters related to sexual development, sexual hygiene, and contraception.

It's very important for the doctor to gain the child's trust, find an individual approach, and establish mutual understanding. Young patients are usually brought to the pediatric gynecologist by their mother. The mother serves as a protector and confidant for the girl, and for the doctor, she is the main source for gathering medical history.


Consultation Prices for Pediatric Gynecologist in Lviv at NOVO

Name Price, UAH
Consultation with a pediatric gynecologist 650
Follow-up consultation with a pediatric gynecologist 580
Application for an appointment *Filling out the form does not guarantee a final appointment for the desired time. Wait for a call to confirm the appointment
Highly qualified medical staff.
Participation in international and national events provides an opportunity to apply the best international experience
Convenient work schedule.
We are open 7 days a week, on weekdays from 8:00 to 22:00, on Saturdays from 8:00 to 21:00, and on Sundays from 10:00 to 17:00. Make an appointment and come at a time convenient for you!
High-precision diagnostic equipment
The world's leading manufacturers with maximum safety and convenience for the patient.

How is the appointment of a pediatric gynecologist in Lviv at the NOVO Medical Center

The doctor takes the time for the patient, necessary to listen to her and clearly give answers to the questions. Sometimes it is uncomfortable for girls to talk about certain topics, so it is important that the doctor in such cases is an interlocutor who will help to perceive adult questions as a natural process. Specialists of NOVO Medical Center have considerable experience in this.

A timely visit to a gynecologist prevents the occurrence of certain problems, their possible consequences and possible operative interventions in the reproductive sphere.

A consultation with a pediatrician–gynecologist at NOVO can be done at the request of the girl or her mother in case of complaints, or in case of need for certain information (for example, to learn the rules of hygiene of the external genitalia, prevention of synechiae or fungal lesions, or how to properly report during puberty, the rules of sexual behavior, hygiene, contraception, etc.).

A special gynecological examination is carried out as an additional method of examination, and if there are no direct indications and certain symptoms or complaints, then its conduct is not mandatory.

What is important, a pediatric or adolescent gynecologist cannot consult children under 16 years of age without the presence of their parents. A close person must be present at the examination, who will be responsible during the examination, or, if necessary, will supervise the purchase of drugs and their administration, if the course of treatment is prescribed.

It is important to prepare the girl's psychological preparation for the gynecologist's consultation and examination in advance at home, and not in front of the doctor's office, so that it does not become a surprise and prevents possible psychological trauma. It is necessary to explain to the child that the doctor wants to help him, improve his health, eliminate the problem and answer worrying questions.

If necessary, the doctor can additionally prescribe an ultrasound examination.

pediatric and adolescent gynecologist, ultrasound specialist
Любомир Процак
Проходили з маленькою дитиною МРТ. Щиро вдячні медперсоналу за високі навички, дитина, навіть незрозуміла, що сталося, коли їй ставили катетера, анестезіологу, яка все розказала, та контролювала процес. Після обстеження дитина почала на рецепшині капризувати-адміністратор миттю підбіг та запропонував відвідати дитячу кімнату. Особлива шана головному лікарю центру за дотримання обіцяного та надання знижки. Нехай повернеться Вам усе сторицею
Mark Hretskyi
Ділюся своїм позитивним досвідом відвідування цього медичного центру. Робив КТ та МРТ і залишився надзвичайно задоволеним обслуговуванням і професіоналізмом персоналу, а особливо роботою рентгенлаборантки на КТ. Сама процедура пройшла швидко і без зайвого стресу, обладнання сучасне, а атмосфера в клініці спокійна та комфортна. Рекомендую цей медичний центр усім, хто шукає якісний сервіс і дбає про своє здоров’я.
Лариса Легеза
Дякую Лесі Дмитрівні  Супрун за високий рівень професіоналізму! Вона лікар з великої літери! У моїй непростій ситуації я  вражена індивідуальним підходом та уважністю.Дякую Вам за кваліфіковане призначення лікування та надання медичних процедур. Леся Дмитрівна не лише чудовий лікар, а  й прекрасна людина. У кабінеті атмосфера затишна і комфортна. Щиро рекомендую всім звертатися  до цього професіонала! Бережіть своє здоров'я.
Питання, які часто задають пацієнти
Application for an appointment *Filling out the form does not guarantee a final appointment for the desired time. Wait for a call to confirm the appointment