Otolaryngologist (ENT) - a doctor, specialized specialist who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the ears, throat and nose, as well as adjacent tissues and organs, which are not only anatomically located in the immediate vicinity of the ENT- organs, but also closely related: additional sinuses, tonsils, cervical lymph nodes, trachea.
Inflammatory processes in these organs often have a common cause and quickly develop into a chronic form.
It is important to contact a specialized specialist and visit an otolaryngologist in a timely manner if you have symptoms of the disease.
Diseases treated by an otolaryngologist
Ear diseases:
otitis (purulent, middle, external);
hearing loss;
restoration of hearing.
Diseases of the nose:
chronic runny nose (rhinitis);
allergic reactions.
Diseases of the throat:
ARVI diseases;
laryngitis (acute and chronic);
throat problems;
Symptoms with which you need to consult a specialist at the NOVO Medical Center:
frequent earaches or recurrences of previously diagnosed otitis;
complaints about hearing loss;
continuous SARS;
difficult nasal breathing;
frequent rhinitis without clear periods of improvement or exacerbation;
hoarseness of the voice against the background of the absence of other problems.
The price of an otolaryngologist (ENT) consultation in Lviv at the NOVO Medical Center
Name | Cost, UAH |
Consultation of an otolaryngologist | 590 |
Repeated consultation with an otolaryngologist | 530 |
Treatment of the nose, paranasal sinuses and oropharynx | 500 |
Ear washing (ear toilet) | 350 |
Palitzer ear blowing | 250 |
Sinus washing according to Proetz ("Cuckoo") | 270 |
Irrigation of the nasal sinuses by the method of movement according to Proetz | 270 |
Intralaryngeal lavage | 350 |
Tonsil washing | 300 |
Kuf physiotherapy | 100 |
Electrophoresis of ENT organs | 150 |
Inhalation | 150 |