Consultation of a proctologist in Lviv at NOVO

Preparation for the appointment of a proctologist

Proctological diseases are considered to be delicate problems, so a large number of patients are shy to consult a proctologist. While the disease progresses, and self-treatment does not bring results.

Proctologist consultation in Lviv, NOVO Medical Center


The appointment of a proctologist includes a conversation with the patient, during which the doctor finds out the complaints and history of the disease: The doctor will ask you several questions about the symptoms and duration of the disease, the previous treatment.
It is important to take with you to the consultation the results of all previous examinations by a proctologist and examinations (if you have already sought help from a specialist), discharges from recent hospitalizations, the results of instrumental studies (rectoromanoscopic, colonoscopy), as well as the results of ultrasound and tests.

A lot depends on your openness and attentiveness, because the doctor will make a preliminary diagnosis already at this stage.

After the conversation, the proctologist conducts an initial examination: external examination, palpation of the perianal region and digital examination of the rectum.

The price of an otolaryngologist consultation and ENT procedures in Lviv at the NOVO Medical Center

Actual prices for consultation of a proctologist in Lviv are below in the table:

Consultation of a proctologist 630
Proctologist consultation with rectoscopy 790
Repeated consultation with a proctologist 530
Application for an appointment *Filling out the form does not guarantee a final appointment for the desired time. Wait for a call to confirm the appointment
Highly qualified medical staff.
Participation in international and national events provides an opportunity to apply the best international experience
Convenient work schedule.
We are open 7 days a week, on weekdays from 8:00 to 22:00, on Saturdays from 8:00 to 21:00, and on Sundays from 10:00 to 17:00. Make an appointment and come at a time convenient for you!
High-precision diagnostic equipment
The world's leading manufacturers with maximum safety and convenience for the patient.

Preliminary preparation for examination by a proctologist

In order for the examination by a proctologist in Lviv to be as informative as possible, the patient must properly prepare for it: - it is recommended to exclude foods that stimulate the formation of gases (milk, bread, fruits and fresh vegetables, carbonated drinks) from your diet for a day , - in the evening before and in the morning on the day of the appointment, a light dinner and breakfast are recommended, respectively, for example, an omelet or yogurt, - in the evening before and in the morning on the day of the doctor's visit, it is necessary clean the intestines To do this, you can use micro enemas of ENEMA-SELA or NORMOKOL 2-3 hours before the examination.

Such a thorough preparation procedure for the appointment of a proctologist will allow the doctor to conduct an examination and establish a diagnosis.
"Inconvenient problems" (so often called proctological diseases) — it is one of the most common diseases. A significant number of patients are ashamed of such diseases, so they postpone a visit to a proctologist until the moment when the disease is already progressing, which creates additional complications in the treatment process.

Examination by a proctologist in Lviv at the NOVO Medical Center< /div>

Symptoms with which you should consult a proctologist in Lviv

A proctologist NOVO Medical Center in Lviv advises you to seek advice in case of such symptoms:

  • sensation of itching and discomfort in the anal area;
  • change in the nature of bowel movement (appearance of tendency to constipation or diarrhea);
  • the presence of pathological impurities in feces (mucus, pus);
  • discharge of blood from the rectum;
  • pain in the anal canal during or after defecation;
  • the presence of tumor-like formations in the area of ​​the anal canal and soft tissues
  • perineum;
  • the presence of passages with purulent or mucous secretions.

It is recommended to carry out a preventive examination once a year after reaching the age of 45 (even in the absence of symptoms).

Consultation of a proctologist at the Medical Center in Lviv is conducted by appointment.

Advantages of consulting a proctologist at the NOVO Medical Center

Doctors of the NOVO Medical Center undergo continuous training in Ukraine and  abroad, participate in various scientific conferences. In their practice, they use only proven methods of examination and treatment, which are selected individually for each patient.

The NOVO Medical Center uses modern European-class equipment, which allows the patient to feel comfortable during the examination and without fear of pain. 

After the examination, the proctologist may prescribe additional diagnostic methods and a number of necessary tests.

Also, friendly staff and comfortable conditions of stay at the Center await every patient.

Любомир Процак
Проходили з маленькою дитиною МРТ. Щиро вдячні медперсоналу за високі навички, дитина, навіть незрозуміла, що сталося, коли їй ставили катетера, анестезіологу, яка все розказала, та контролювала процес. Після обстеження дитина почала на рецепшині капризувати-адміністратор миттю підбіг та запропонував відвідати дитячу кімнату. Особлива шана головному лікарю центру за дотримання обіцяного та надання знижки. Нехай повернеться Вам усе сторицею
Mark Hretskyi
Ділюся своїм позитивним досвідом відвідування цього медичного центру. Робив КТ та МРТ і залишився надзвичайно задоволеним обслуговуванням і професіоналізмом персоналу, а особливо роботою рентгенлаборантки на КТ. Сама процедура пройшла швидко і без зайвого стресу, обладнання сучасне, а атмосфера в клініці спокійна та комфортна. Рекомендую цей медичний центр усім, хто шукає якісний сервіс і дбає про своє здоров’я.
Лариса Легеза
Дякую Лесі Дмитрівні  Супрун за високий рівень професіоналізму! Вона лікар з великої літери! У моїй непростій ситуації я  вражена індивідуальним підходом та уважністю.Дякую Вам за кваліфіковане призначення лікування та надання медичних процедур. Леся Дмитрівна не лише чудовий лікар, а  й прекрасна людина. У кабінеті атмосфера затишна і комфортна. Щиро рекомендую всім звертатися  до цього професіонала! Бережіть своє здоров'я.
Питання, які часто задають пацієнти
Application for an appointment *Filling out the form does not guarantee a final appointment for the desired time. Wait for a call to confirm the appointment