Tetyana Skharchuk

Tetyana Skharchuk

Higher medical education.
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, 2020, Faculty of Medicine.
Specialty "Radiology" 2022.


Qualification category
2 years of experience.

About me
I am very pleased to have chosen my career path as a doctor in the field of radiation diagnostics, as this branch of medicine is rapidly developing and any treatment should begin with a quality diagnosis.
I appreciate a comprehensive approach to patient management, correlating clinical and diagnostic data, and rational methods for determining the examination method.

Advanced training courses
Internship at Lviv Regional Cancer Treatment and Diagnostic Center 2020-2022.
Specialization in "Radiology".

Participation in the conference "Computed tomography of the lungs. Modern challenges" March 17-20, 2021.

Membership in associations
Association of Radiologists of Ukraine.
Application for an appointment *Filling out the form does not guarantee a final appointment for the desired time. Wait for a call to confirm the appointment